Don’t do it just because influencers say that if you do this, your face will glow. Yes, friends, influencers show various tricks to earn money. Instead of getting caught up in their tricks and losing your money and your beauty, seek medical help directly. In this post, I have provided a small compilation of information about someone who had already uploaded various types of fake posts and was deceiving people and earning money.

All the information provided here is strictly for informational purposes only. Any content in desi fun magazine website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider on any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Rubber band face therapy
I put a rubber band around my ears and left it for a few minutes. Wow, how beautiful I have become. Do you see? Many people say that if you do this, the lymphatic vessels will drain the water from the skin and make the face plumper. But that does not happen. On the contrary, the pressure on the lymphatic vessels increases, which causes further swelling.

If there is a small injury to the cartilage of the ears, which is a thin bone, it is difficult to care for it because there are no blood vessels there. If you do this, internal injuries can occur and even a seal can develop. The facial nerves around the ears are overly compressed, making it difficult to open your mouth.
Skin proteins such as collagen, elastin, keratin help keep the skin healthy without wrinkles. To improve this, you should combine exercise with foods such as egg white, curry, fish, spinach, cucumber, orange, pomegranate, and rubbing your face with a quasha stone. If you understand face taping, even the little bit of beauty that you have will disappear. Be careful.
so, guys be careful. the so-called “rubber band hack” for face lifting is not only ineffective but also potentially harmful. The idea that wrapping a rubber band around the ear can enhance lymphatic drainage and tighten facial skin has no scientific basis.
Pressure on facial nerves may cause pain, numbness, or even long-term dysfunction. Continuous indentation may weaken skin integrity, leading to permanent marks or scarring.
Literature references: MD Linx
How do you cut your nails?
Don’t cut the edges of your nails anymore, friends. It pushes the flesh nearby and starts growing inward, causing severe inflammation. Always cut the edges of the nails beyond the fingers and then cut only the tip of them. If the edges are long, they will not tear the flesh. You should soak your fingers in water for a few minutes before cutting your nails. This will soften the nails and make them easier to cut.

You should also clean the nail clippers well with soapy water because even a small scratch while cutting your nails can cause the dirty bacteria on the nail clippers to get inside and cause infection. You should also not wear shoes that put too much pressure on the nails and lead to many problems. This may seem like a simple piece of information, but it is actually very important.

so, avoid cutting your toenails too short, rounding the edges. Instead, trim them straight across, leaving the corners slightly extended so they rest naturally against the skin. This helps prevent ingrown nails and promotes healthy nail growth.
Literature references: Arizona foot and ankle medical center
Remove dark spots on the face
Many of us women have had many problems like this on our faces. Yes, friends, this condition is called melasma. Melasma causes brown patches on the face. Many people are fond of products like foundation cream and BB cream to cover it, but it only makes this condition worse.
Using sunscreen is the primary solution to this because the most important cause of melasma is excessive exposure to sunlight, which causes the melanocyte cells that destroy the skin’s color to produce more pigment in some places and spread it. This condition can also occur in those who take contraceptives and hormonal drugs. This is because the melanocyte cells are stimulated due to the increase in estrogen hormone in the body.

This is why this condition mostly occurs in pregnant women. It is also called the mask of pregnancy. Looking Bill and Marks Principles of Dermatology recommend a good sunscreen, Hydroquinone, azilaic acid, retinol, and chemical peels for this. are for women who lie in the kitchen, Heat shock protein It can be triggered and can occur in this situation. This is why this condition occurs in almost 90% of women. It is much less common in men.
so, Melasma, also called as the mask of pregnancy, is a common skin condition that causes brown or blue-gray patches on sun-exposed areas like the face, forehead, and upper lip.

It is triggered by factors such as UV exposure, hormonal changes and genetics, and even LED screen light! Along with sunscreen, hydroquinone, Azelaic acid , Tretinoin and chemical peels can help this condition.
Literature references: Cleveland clinic
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