How to reduce belly fat after cesarean delivery..? This question must have occurred to many of you by now. Because a sister asked me a question like this and threatened me to answer it. She is furious with me because it has been over a month since she asked me this question. I worked hard to create this post, thinking that if it continued like this, I would have to be scolded. Let’s find out the answer to this question.

How to reduce belly fat.?
We will look at these topics in detail: How does fat accumulate in the mother’s abdomen during pregnancy? What does it do? What should be done after delivery to reduce fat? Are any changes in eating habits required?
After delivery, both mother and baby need adequate rest and sleep. It may take some time for your body to return to its normal state. After the baby is born, the excess water in your body starts to come out. You may need to go to the bathroom frequently in the first two weeks. After delivery, you will lose four to five kilos. This is because the baby, amniotic fluid, and stool are coming out.

You will lose another kilo in the next two weeks. This is because your uterus will start to shrink and try to return to its previous size. When you go for a check-up at the hospital after six weeks, you will probably have lost six to eight kilos. This is because you would have gained 10 to 12 kilos during pregnancy. If you continue breastfeeding, you will also lose the extra 4-6 kilos.

Of the 10-12 kg you gain during pregnancy, your body fat will be 6 to 7 kg. This fat will be used to produce the breast milk your baby needs. So, if you continue to breastfeed exclusively for six months, your weight will return to the weight you had before pregnancy.
Should the mother continue to eat nutritious foods?
You should eat according to your hunger. After childbirth, your hunger increases a little. Eating more frequently than necessary can lead to weight gain and obesity. It has been said to many mothers for a long time that mothers who have given birth should be given maximum food and look fat.
In the past, this habit may have come into practice when mothers who were underweight due to nutritional deficiency gave birth to children. But today’s mothers are overweight, have diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure during childbirth. Giving them more food than they need and gaining weight can lead to problems.

Avoid overeating and lose weight
You will need to start doing adequate exercises one by one. The exercises we will mention below will definitely help you to tighten loose abdominal muscles, prevent constipation, and restore your abdominal muscles to their former state.
The first exercise we should do is walking. Walking increases blood flow Prevents constipation Improves your mood After a week, you can walk slowly inside the house After two weeks, you can walk around the house without worry Avoid doing too much work for the first 6 weeks.

Abdominal exercises
After delivery, the abdominal muscles become loose. Abdominal exercises are important to tighten them and bring them back to their original shape. Dieting will not tighten the abdominal muscles. This is because there is no other reason for this than the muscles being stretched and relaxed. Start doing them twice a day the first week you get home from the hospital and continue doing them for the first three months. If any exercise causes pain, stop immediately.
Tying your stomach or using a belt to tie it up will not provide any benefit because exercises will only help tighten the loose abdominal muscles.
Take a deep breath
First lie down. Place your hand on your stomach. Notice how your hand moves up with your stomach as you inhale and down as you exhale. Then take a deep breath. Hold your breath for five seconds. Then exhale completely. Again, do not breathe for five seconds. Repeat this five times.

Straight Leg Stretch
Lie down comfortably on a mat. Keep both your arms at your sides. Bend your knees so that your feet are on the mat. Inhale and fully extend your right leg. Exhale and return to the original position. Similarly, extend your left leg while inhaling and return to the original position while exhaling. Repeat this exercise 5 times for each leg.
Head Lift
Lie down comfortably on a soft mattress. Keep your arms at your sides. Bend your knees so that your feet are on the mattress. Exhale slowly and lift your head off the bed. After five seconds, inhale and return your head to its original position. Repeat this five to ten times.
Head and Shoulder Raises
After a few days of practice, you should be able to lift your head off the bed more than 10 times without any problem or difficulty. Continue this exercise by trying to lift your shoulders off the bed while raising your head. Do this for a total of 10 counts.

Kegel exercises
These exercises will help strengthen your lower abdominal muscles and heal any stitches in your vagina. These exercises will help your lower abdominal muscles return to their normal position and will also prevent urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence.
The muscles that stop urination immediately are the abdominal muscles. We need to strengthen these muscles. When urinating, suddenly contract the abdominal muscles and hold them tightly. This will stop the urine flow immediately. Do these exercises after urinating.

Contract the abdominal muscles and hold them tight for three seconds and then relax. Repeat this 10 times. Do not do this if the stitches you have are painful. Tighten only the muscles in the lower abdomen.
At the same time, do not tighten your abdominal, thigh, and buttock muscles. Breathe slowly and normally during this exercise.
Initially, do these exercises while lying down. Once you get used to it, you can do it while sitting, watching TV, cooking, or traveling. After a few days, you will get used to tightening these muscles for ten seconds at a time. Do it 3 times a day at first. Then do it 6 times. Continue doing these exercises for three months
Proper diet, adequate exercise, etc. should be followed. Also, breastfeeding up to 2 years, avoiding fatty foods i.e. oily foods, are important.
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