How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?

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There are natural remedies for some problems. It is not possible to say how much natural remedies will be beneficial for such problems. Know the following reasons. Then, if you have such problems, contact a doctor and get them fixed. Let’s continue with today’s information.

Usually dark spots appear in individual areas of the body..

  • Underarms
  • Below the breasts
  • In the groin.. Perineal region..
  • Around the neck..
  • Around nose and the mouth…
  • Besides the cheek.
  • Widely seen in both sexes.
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?

The cause of this is

Insulin resistance…INSULIN RESISTANCE is a condition in which a person’s body does not produce enough insulin and the body does not use it properly… This is called ACANTHOSIS NIGRANS..

How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?

When women have PCOS/PCOD and thyroid hormone deficiency, there is an excess of estrogen hormone in the body. Then these skin folds become thicker and darker.

Because.. PCOD is classified as a pre-diabetic condition.. because it causes insulin deficiency.

How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
  1. The initial stage appears red and thickened and causes minor irritation.
  2. We tend to itch more often due to the initial irritation. As we scratch, the small red allergy gradually starts to spread to the skin.
  3. In the third stage, when the irritation becomes more intense, we continue to itch. At that point, our skins will develop blisters, as shown in the photo.
  4. You can see from this photo that the red allergy, which was previously low in severity, is becoming more widespread.
  5. Here is a photo of the allergy at more than 90 percent advanced stage, giving it a dark appearance.
  6. In the sixth stage, you will see in that photo a structure that could have turned into dark patches, almost like an allergy.
  7. When allergies like this occur in our body and we don’t realize the severity of it, we can see this dark layer in its advanced stage. It takes several months for skins in this condition to return to normal.

So far, we have clearly looked at the effects that can occur under the breasts. Next, let’s look at the effects that can occur around the neck.

Some people say that wearing a gold thali chain chain around their neck has caused their skin to darken. But a blood test will show that they have high levels of the hormone estrogen.

If men have dark, thickened skin folds like this, it means that their diabetes is out of control and they have developed insulin resistance.

It is important to get an HbA1C blood test done every three months to see if your diabetes is under control.

Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight are important. It is important to avoid high-carbohydrate foods.

Skin doctors will prescribe ointments and face washes for mild skin discoloration.

How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?

If you are worried that your skin is too dark and thick, you can consult a dermatologist and get treatments like chemical peeling, laser abrasion, etc. But there is no permanent solution. It has to be done regularly. The permanent solution is to keep hormonal changes in check.

What is the solution to this problem?

What is the best way to keep hormones under control? How can I get rid of the dark spots on my skin and keep it natural?

By doing at least one hour of vigorous exercise every day, you can put insulin resistance or diabetes in remission.

If you reduce your calorie intake and keep your weight under control, you will see a good change.

Most women say that this is inflammation caused by wearing covering jewelry. There is not much awareness about this among our people.

Why is it that the neck becomes dark? If the neck circumference increases and fat accumulates under the tongue, a sleep disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) occurs.

During sleep, the tongue moves back and blocks the airway, causing frequent awakenings. This increases blood pressure (OSA induced Hypertension).

This is a precursor to other diseases later on. There is also not much awareness about this among our people.

How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?
How to remove dark spots on private parts of the body?

Most people proudly say that even if a pin falls, they will not get hurt. But it is only later that we know that all this is the initial symptom of a bigger problem.

So people, when the impact of the disease is small, consult your doctor and get any problem fixed.

Otherwise, if you consult a doctor when the disease is advanced, it will definitely be very difficult to fix it.

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I will definitely be giving you a lot of useful information every day.I will meet you again tomorrow with many more interesting information like this. Until then, I bid you farewell, your Kaviya 📝

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