1. Women are the physically weaker sex, but that is no reason to underestimate them.
Countless men have had to learn the hard way that women are extremely dangerous.
2. Women are always attracted to strong male leaders, and they don’t feel sorry for a weak man who can’t handle his problems.
No matter what anyone tells you, she may pretend to feel for you, but deep down, your weakness disgusts her.

3. Men date less. Women date up.
Women are looking for a man who is better than them.
They want a man who makes more money than her and has better leadership skills.
Most men don’t care about anything in a woman. Men will happily date a broken woman, but that doesn’t mean women are gold diggers. She wants to know if you are a match for her natural desire for security and safety.
4. Women need a good leader, not just for themselves, but for their future children.
Biologically, it makes no sense for a woman to date. It would be self-destructive for her and her blood family.
Don’t complain about it; there are no excuses. If you’re a man full of testosterone and ambition, there’s no reason why your woman shouldn’t be able to make you better.
5. She tests you endlessly.
Most men think that women are unpredictable because they change their moods all the time.
The truth is that when dating, women consciously or subconsciously test men to make sure they are worthy of commitment.
For centuries, women have been testing men to determine the best partner, and this evolutionary trait continues today.

6. These tests come in different forms, such as when she gets emotional and starts arguing with you.
If you get emotional and start arguing with her, you’ve failed the test. But if you can stay stoic and unwavering, you’ll pass the test.
Most guys fail these types of tests all the time because they don’t understand what’s going on.
They think these tests are insults and take it as an insult, but that’s the last thing you want to do.
7. Women don’t test men with bad intentions.
Most of the time, they don’t know that they are testing you themselves.
It’s like their biological makeup, prompting them to poke and prod a man to find out if he is the competent man he needs.
To know that your actions speak louder than your words.
8. She needs real security.
The world has changed, and women are more financially stable than ever before, but that hasn’t changed our biological makeup.
Every woman still seeks security from a man, from physical security to emotional security and yes, financial security.
Making a woman feel secure is the key to her heart.

9. If she is emotional, you should remain calm.
You should be the rock against which her emotional waves can crash, and even if a woman earns more money than you, she is not designed to provide for a man.
The modern world has fooled men and women into believing in their idea of equality, but the truth is that men and women are different.
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